


我决定在我的网站上开一家书店,我不知道哪个解决方案更好. 你的团队帮我把我的html网站移到了WordPress上,并安装了WooCommerce插件. Now, I’ve already customized my shop, and I’m starting sales.
我需要快速添加一家时装店,所以我选择了一个专业的团队. 我不后悔! 我的商店会有很多商品,所以我正在努力寻找分类商品的最佳选择. My WordPress store now has all the possibilities for this.
谢谢你的工作! 我一开始并没有打算在我的咖啡馆里做在线订单,所以我选择了一个我喜欢的Joomla模板. 当我需要添加在线商店时,我被卡住了,但你们友好的团队帮助我做到了这一点. 有许多定制选项,所以我选择了那些将在我的网站上工作最好的.

网上商店整合 Includes One of the Following:

WooCommerce for WordPress
集成和样式 WooCommerce Virtuemart
交货时间 2-3个工作日 4-6个工作日 4-6个工作日

How to Add an Online Store to a Website:

  1. 收集信息


    If you want to add a store to a website, 您必须确定需要将商店用于哪个平台或内容管理系统. 当你点餐时, you have to choose if you want to integrate a store to your WordPress, Joomla, 或HTML网页. 您付款后,我们的定制团队将通过电子邮件与您联系. 我们将要求您提供模板安装或将要安装的主机帐户的访问详细信息. If you do not have a compatible hosting ready, we will help you to select and register a new hosting plan with a discount. 用你想要的域名注册一个托管帐户的过程将需要15-30分钟.

  2. Integrating Online Store


    When our team has got all the necessary details from you, we’ll start the process of adding a store to your website. Depending on the platform we work with, 我们的团队最多需要七个工作日才能将商店添加到您的网站. 您将能够与您的个人项目经理一起检查项目的状态. 我们的专家会将商店添加到您的模板并将其安装在您的主机上.

  3. Reviewing and Finishing Up


    当我们添加了在线商店并进行了定制之后,您就可以查看和批准结果了. In case there are things to be changed or fixed, you have two free revisions. When you accept the project, our team will send you a login and password to the site's admin panel, so you can start managing it. You will be able to add your products to the store and start selling them.

What We Need to Add an Online Store:

  • FTP and MySQL access to your hosting account
  • (alternatively) cPanel access

Why 选择 网上商店整合

Do you have a website and want to start an online business, but your website doesn’t support eCommerce functionality? 你喜欢你的网站模板,但你不知道如何添加一个在线商店的网站? Our professional team has a solution for you.

通过我们的在线商店集成服务,您将获得一个功能齐全的在线商店. Our experts will add an online store to your existing site or template. 商店将集成在一个单独的页面上,可以从主菜单访问(通过“商店”按钮)。. 此外, you will get a designated control panel to manage products, 类别, 订单, payment and shipping options, 等.

To make everything easier, you will work with your personal project manager. 您将能够与项目经理讨论所有细节并检查项目的状态. 你不需要知道如何在网站上添加在线商店的所有技术方面. 你也不需要有任何管理网上商店的经验. Your only task is to describe to your project manager what you need, and the project manager will help you to select a suitable e-commerce solution. 您的项目经理将负责与定制团队沟通并正确交付您的需求.

It doesn’t matter what platform you are using. Our professionals are ready to integrate a shop into any website. If you want to add an online store to a WordPress site or template, we strongly recommend using the WooCommerce plugin. 现在, 这是WordPress最流行和功能丰富的在线商店扩展, with the support of numerous payment gateways and shipping options. 此外,您还可以在第三方插件的帮助下添加更多功能.

If you have a Joomla template or site, 我们的团队将应用VirtueMart组件在网站上添加一个在线商店. VirtueMart拥有WooCommerce的主要优势,但主要面向Joomla用户.

对于HTML模板,我们提供WordPress的转换和WooCommerce的集成. This will allow you to get an admin panel with a visual, easy-to-use editor to create and manage informational pages of your site. You won’t need to write code or re-upload HTML files through FTP. 您也可以选择Ecwid,而不是上面提到的选项来为您的在线商店供电. It is a SaaS solution that can be integrated into any site. Ecwid allows you to have a store without any need to worry about updates, integration of payment gateways, or other store-related customizations. 你可以设置付款和运输选项,添加你的产品并开始销售商品.

After the store is integrated, we will install the template on your hosting. 然后, 我们将为您提供网站的管理面板访问详细信息,以允许您添加产品并进行其他自定义.

In case you do not have hosting yet, 我们将帮助您注册一个完全兼容的一年的折扣托管帐户.


  • The service is valid for one website.
  • 样品产品将被添加到商店中,以展示它是如何工作的,并使添加您的产品更容易.
  • 额外的功能集成或存储配置不包括在包中,但可以包括在内 made for you for an extra fee.
  • 如果你想让我们利用一些其他的在线商店扩展(解决方案)没有在描述中列出, feel free to contact us to get a quote.
  • 与您的项目经理沟通使用英语(或我们将使用谷歌翻译).


为什么使用WooCommerce (VirtueMart for Joomla)而不是其他电子商务解决方案?

现在, WooCommerce和VirtueMart是WordPress和Joomla最受欢迎的在线商店扩展,因为它们具有强大的功能和其他好处:

  • they allow you to enhance functionality with additional plugins and extensions
  • you will be able to integrate all major payments and shipping options
  • 你会发现很多关于如何使用WooCommerce和VirtueMart的教程来调整它们以满足你的特定需求



如果您希望我们的团队将另一个插件集成到您的商店,我们可以做到这一点. 特别是,我们可以将Ecwid添加到任何网站,无论其类型或平台. 请在我们的网站上开始聊天,我们的顾问将很乐意帮助您定价.

Will you install a template on my hosting?

Yes, we will install a template on your existing hosting. You just need to provide us the correct access details. 

If you do not have a hosting account yet, our team will be happy to help you. 这项服务包括从我们的合作伙伴之一的全功能托管帐户高达50%的折扣. Depending on the account type you choose, it may include a free SSL certificate, 免费域名, 公司电子邮件, and a lot of other extras.

Will you be able to add products to the online store, and configure it for me with my payment and shipping details?

这个特定的服务不包括添加产品或支付和运输方法配置, but we can do this for you for an extra fee. You can purchase one of the 存储设置包 可在网站上找到, 或og体育的支持团队,他们将帮助您选择适合您的特定需求的服务.


3 评论 for this product

我决定在我的网站上开一家书店,我不知道哪个解决方案更好. 你的团队帮我把我的html网站移到了WordPress上,并安装了WooCommerce插件. Now, I’ve already customized my shop, and I’m starting sales.
我需要快速添加一家时装店,所以我选择了一个专业的团队. 我不后悔! 我的商店会有很多商品,所以我正在努力寻找分类商品的最佳选择. My WordPress store now has all the possibilities for this.
谢谢你的工作! 我一开始并没有打算在我的咖啡馆里做在线订单,所以我选择了一个我喜欢的Joomla模板. 当我需要添加在线商店时,我被卡住了,但你们友好的团队帮助我做到了这一点. 有许多定制选项,所以我选择了那些将在我的网站上工作最好的.

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