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Criado: 5 de jun. de 2015

Atualizado : 5 de jun. de 2015

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Este modelo industrial do Drupal é uma base pronta para transmitir as ideias da sua empresa de maneira clara. Listas, ícones, citações de bloco e outros elementos da página mantêm o conteúdo organizado, enquanto fontes elegantes da biblioteca do Google facilitam a percepção. As imagens de largura total aprimoram o lado visual do modelo, que é limpo e simples por natureza. A parte inferior da página inicial apresenta um mapa interativo que fornece recursos de detalhamento, o que dará aos clientes uma ideia clara da localização de sua empresa. Além do mais, você pode permitir que os visitantes voltem rapidamente ao cabeçalho por meio de um botão de rolagem para cima, que é uma ferramenta indispensável para visualizar layouts infinitos como este.


templatmonster是一个你可以, 作为设计师或开发人员, 可以出售你的网页设计软件吗, modelos de sites, 设计元素, 插件和扩展. Torne-se um 数码产品供应商 每笔销售赚取高达70%的利润.


Неплохая тема, жаль только, что заказчик отказался и теперь она у нас повисла на балансе непонятно для чего. Надеюсь, что когда-нибудь мы ее используем в своей работе.
Выбрал этот шаблон для компании - производителя стройматериалов. Дизайн,адаптивка-всёздорово. Друпал7 -тожевсёок. Нособраншаблон,честноговоря,несовсемоптимально. Не понятно зачем было делать такого вида меню. Без программиста не удалось справиться с переделываем разделов. svgЛоготипвчерезОформлениенеменяется. Решили вопрос с программистом тоже: подключили его прямо в шаблоне. Короче, пятерка, несмотря на некоторые недоработки со стороны программистов.
Шаблон просто супер для тех целей, если хочешь сделать свой сайт с самого ноля на основе этого шаблона. Но если хочешь подстроить уже имеющийся сайт в рамки этого макета, топридётсяизряднопопотетьипо-танцеватьсбубном, чтобывсёкорректнозавелосьвтехилииныхместах! А в целом прекрасное сочетания Landing Page на главной странице и классического отображения на остальных страницах сайта. Советую данный шаблон к приобретению.
首先:主题看起来很漂亮. I like the layout and the supplied stock photos also perfectly match the theme. Also the installation runs completely orderly as described, 所以你有(几乎完成-见2. )以下示例网站启动和运行的时间. 但是也有一些缺点: 1. Some of the used modules are so long outdated that their update path has become incompatible with current versions - at least one module cannot be updated without braking the site (Views Isotope). 2. 谷歌地图视图无法开箱即用. tm_shortcodes模块的提供版本, which is responsible for rendering the fullscreenwidth map on front page uses an outdated command to access the google API. This can only be fixed by manually editing the file tm_shortcodes.module. Even more unfortunate is that templatemonster support was not able to fix this problem (twice - I had the same problem with another theme). The solution they supplied was (twice) not suitable for the front page google map problem. I assume they did not want to understand the problem correctly as they had no solution for this. But still the support itself works excellently - you get a reply within a very short period of time. I assume that they will solve other problems (which are less tricky) very fast!
Drupal templates come with a set number of modules and you better use their initial versions. 任何更新都可能在某种程度上破坏功能. Please contact our Support team and they'll take a closer look into this matter to get it resolved completely. To work with Google Map you can use this tutorial http://3mcw.0933282516.com/help/drupal-7-x-how-to-change-google-map-location-starting-from-template-53000.html.
伟大的,全面的模板. 建立一个伟大网站所需要的一切. Template makes good use of Views, Panels are not used at all, which is helpful. 一些模块(Views_Isotope), GMap) are already obsollete and break the template when updating Drupal (Isotope used for portfolio is the biggest concern).
谢谢你的反馈. You can use all admin panel elements modifying template's content. even if some are not used by default, they are still active. Drupal templates come with a set number of modules and you better use their initial versions. 任何更新都可能在某种程度上破坏功能. Thus, if you've performed that already, please contact our Support team - http://support.template-help.com/index.php?/Tickets/Submit and their representatives will take a closer look into this matter for you.


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3,0 /5
Support rating (44 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 20 4 1 3 2 2 1 1 20
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
