智能商业图标包| AI | EPS | SVG
我们为您提供现代化的业务, smart business vector icon that can used in your project related new era business model, 希望您下载后会喜欢这个图标包下载愉快
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一套30个旅行大纲图标, 简洁干净的设计,非常适合网站, mobile apps, books, social media, infographics, flyer, print, banners, posters
包括5个版本(Ai 64px和16px, EPS 64px和16px , SVG 64px, PNG 64px, JPG 64px)的所有在一个(Ai, EPS, SVG)20个独特的图标100%矢量准备使用
Sales: 1
这个图标集包括80个最流行的社交媒体图标,有5种形状风格. 这些图标都是高质量的矢量图标, 所以它们可以被缩放到任何大小而不会失去分辨率.
Sales: 1
Pack contains 18 icon sets in various styles: RGB color, glyph, neon, linear for dark and light mode.奖励:2个社交媒体突出封面图标集.你会发现以下主题:-电影类型,...
商业合作社概念图标集. 配合作品构思细线彩色插图. 自愿加入. 孤立的符号. 可编辑的中风. Roboto-Medium, Myriad Pro-Bold字体使用文件...
操作安全概念图标. 智能防御. 信息操作抽象概念细线图解. 隔离轮廓图. 可编辑的中风. Arial,无数Pro-Bold字体...
We are offering you all world countries flags with latest design and color espect your nation, be a patriot, fancy and unique flying flags on pole with long shadow along with attractive blue circle


PNG icons are now a must-have on every website, social media post, presentations, and so forth.

The benefits they bring to those who use them and those to whom they are addressed are so profound that they are essential components to the digital and print landscapes. 举几个例子, they're globally understood and can help you make your content more eye-catching and tidy.

However, for those planning to use icons, what's not so clear is which format they should select. Icons are available in many formats, and each one is designed to serve a particular purpose.

For example, PNG或便携式网络图形,是最适合打印的文件格式. 默认情况下,该文件格式支持广泛的深度颜色和无损压缩. 与基于矢量图形的SVG图标相反, PNG icons 是光栅图像. This means they're composed of pixels and can represent objects and ideas more in detail using a wide variety of colors.

要设计一个高质量和吸引人的PNG图标,您需要设计经验. 你还得在编辑软件上投入时间和金钱. 这就是为什么许多人购买现成的图标,而不是自己创作. 如果你没有经验,这可能也是你最好的选择.


PNG有很多选择 icon sets 可以在templatemmonster市场买到. 尽管有不同的图标表示,每个集合有一个统一的设计. 因此,您的内容将具有一致的设计.

所有的图标都可以使用,但其中大多数也是可编辑的. In other words, you can change the design if it does not suit your brand identity or does not meet your personal preferences using professional software or an online editor.


在整个市场中,你会发现与最完全不同的主题相关的图标. 以下是一些最常见的与主题相关的表示:

  • sports;
  • nature;
  • people;
  • game;
  • food;
  • technology;
  • medical;
  • science;
  • industrial;
  • weather.


PNG图标是非常通用的. 您可以将它们用于各种目的,并将它们放置在不同的屏幕格式上. 以下是一些最常见的图标放置方式:


如前所述,大多数PNG图标都是可编辑和可定制的. You can easily change their color or style using one of the many available online tools. 以下是一些最受欢迎的:

  • Iconfinder编辑器;
  • RedKetchup;
  • X-icon editor;
  • Iconscout.


Several reasons explain why you should choose the PNG file format over others for your icons.



One of the most relevant advantages of PNG file formats is that they have lossless compression. 这意味着数字图像在压缩后不会失去细节和质量. PNG images are also web-friendly: you can compress them and make them small to reduce the load time for your website without sacrificing quality.


PNG具有广泛的颜色深度, 包括48位(每通道16位)和24位(每通道8位)真彩色, 实现更高的色彩准确性, smoother fades, 定义细节.


此外,PNG支持不同级别的透明度. 每个像素的不透明度可以在0到255之间,0表示完全透明. 它支持具有透明区域的数字图像的压缩.


PNG文件格式支持带有文本、线条艺术和图形的数字图像. 它允许您对齐锐利边缘的对象,并支持大纯色.


Because PNG format is lossless compression, it is perfect for storing digital images for editing.


如果使用PNG文件格式而不是其他格式,则可以更好地实现某些目的. 以下是一些最常见的用法:

  • 网页图片下载;
  • 图片作为电子邮件附件;
  • 截屏图像;
  • 文字的照片或扫描件;
  • 图形的专业人士;
  • 用于网页图形的小文件.


有很多功能可以使PNG图标有效地使用. 下面列出了一些最相关的特征.


所有的图标都很有意义. 这意味着它们能够将信息传递给视觉上看到它们的人. 它们是万能的图像,可以传达各种各样的东西, 包括对象, actions, concepts, 以及与不同主题和类别相关的想法.


图标是通用的. 来自世界各地的人们, 和其他文化, 说其他语言的人可以很容易地识别和理解图标. 他们不需要阅读任何文本就能理解它们的意思. 这将使您的内容可以在全球范围内访问,而无需翻译.


图标可以为你的内容创造一个引人注目的外观. 它们打破了文本的单调,可以很容易地抓住用户的注意力. 这将使用户体验更加愉快和难忘.


除了它们的视觉功能,图标也可以作为休息. In other words, they can break walls of text, which nobody likes to read, nor is attracted by. In this sense, 您可以在文本行之间添加图标, 将它们分成更小的部分,提高可读性.


图标的另一个特性与它们的可定制性有关. It means that you can edit your icons and make them aligned with your brand identity and the design of the other elements on your website or document. 您可以更改颜色、形状或整体样式.


除了视觉上吸引人之外,PNG图标看起来也很专业. 这种文件格式允许高对比度和深颜色, 哪个使图像看起来更清晰,细节更丰富. As a result, 网站的整体外观, presentation, 或者其他类型的文档, 会更专业.


在选择和使用图标时,需要遵循一些实践, 让您获得最佳效果.



When choosing an icon or a set, you should take into consideration your brand identity.

你应该确保颜色, shapes, 图标的整体设计与你在整个内容中使用的图标相匹配. This is how you'll ensure design consistency and make your website look more professional.


Another detail to consider when choosing icons is their ability to be instantly understood by users. 他们应该能够立即赋予图标正确的含义. 这就是为什么你应该测试图标的可识别性. If people take more than 5 seconds to guess the right meaning, then you shouldn't choose those icons.


在选择一组图标之前, 你应该列一张表,数数这些概念, objects, 或者需要用符号表示的动作. You need to choose a set of icons that offers a sufficient number of icons to meet all your needs. This way, you'll avoid selecting icons from different sets, which may have different styles.

Add labels

尽管图标不需要任何额外的信息来理解, 最好在它们旁边或下面添加一个文本标签. This way, you'll remove in advance any doubts or uncertainty the users may have about their meaning.


你应该在你的内容上放置图标,在它们之间留出足够的空间. 通过这样做,您的内容将看起来更整洁,更美观. 因此,用户将更愿意阅读并与之互动.

Animate icons

如果可能的话,给图标添加动画. The animation can perform when the page loads or every time the user hovers the mouse over it. As a result, 内容看起来会更吸引人, 用户体验也会更吸引人,更令人难忘.

PNG icons FAQ


A PNG icon is a raster (pixel-based) graphic representation of an object, action, or idea.


是的,PNG确实支持透明度. It maintains different levels of transparency and allows you to have no background color.


CorelDraw, Photoshop、PaintShop Pro、 Adobe Illustrator, Gimp程序打开PNG文件格式,以及许多其他文件格式.


PNG is a high-quality compression format, whereas JPEG format is lower quality but faster to load. 根据您的需求和这些信息,您可以选择其中之一.


PNG是一种光栅文件格式. A raster image consists of thousands of pixels and usually loses a bit of quality when resized.


订阅 og体育首页ONE could be the right choice for you if you're constantly adding additional elements or updating the existing ones to your website or document. 通过订阅该计划,您可以下载无限的PNG icon sets 还有很多其他的数字图形.