

Shopify. How to manage 特色 和 特殊的 产品

米娅考克斯 2020年1月3日
等级: 5.0/5. 从1票开始.

Good news for all on-line store keepers! In our new tutorial we will show you how to make your 产品 appear in 特色 以及如何在你的主页上 特殊的 产品的价格可以设定.

Shopify. How to manage 特色 和 特殊的 产品

If you want to emphasize the most important 产品, you will need to mark those 产品 as 特色.

Now let us show you how to add the 产品 to 主打产品 和 make them appear at the front end in the 主打产品 section.

  1. Log into your Shopify Admin panel 和 go to 产品:


  2. Pick up the 产品 you want to edit 和 click on its title. You will be directed to the 产品 page:


  3. 滚动到 集合 section.

    新闻 将......添加到...... 集合 按钮并选择 网页设计 从下拉列表中收集:


  4. 网页设计 collection will automatically appear on the right in the list of 集合 你的产品所依附的.

    (In case you need to remove a 产品 from 特色 节,按右边的叉号):


  5. 滚动到 bottom of the 产品 page 和 press 保存:


  6. 刷新你的 网站 前端. 现在,您的产品将出现在 主打产品 的部分 主页:


  7. 也在 网页设计 收集页面中的收集:


And now we will show you how to make your 产品 特殊的 通过给它定一个特别的价格.

  1. 产品. 拿起你想编辑的产品:


  2. 滚动到 库存 & 变体 section.

    新闻 编辑 按钮:


  3. In 价格 field type the price you intend to charge your customers in figures. Do not type a currency symbol (the currency your store uses is set on your 一般设置 页面).

    In 价格比较 field type a higher price (such as another 制造商’s price or a previous price) to show your customers that your current price is lower.

    新闻 保存 button if you want to continue editing or 保存并关闭 如果编辑完成:


  4. 刷新 前端. Your theme will automatically display new price on your 产品 page. 价格从 价格比较 field will appear in different font or color to indicate that you’re selling below the market or old price.

    特殊的 产品将被标记一个 出售 标签:


就是这样! 现在你知道如何管理了 特色特殊的 您的产品 Shopify商店.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Shopify. How to manage 特色 和 特殊的 产品

As you can see, you can easily add a new 产品 和 pace it right where you expect it to be. The instruction shows how you can create the “特殊的” 产品 section. 整体, this platform is super easy 和 user-friendly, so you don’t need to be tech-savvy to manage your online store.

Shopify provides you with all the necessary tools, but you need to pay attention to your 网页 让它看起来有吸引力. Your page design influences customers’ behavior. 如果你的 网站 looks modern 和 it works perfectly (it loads all the elements fast 和 a visitor can find the 产品 or the service they need) – the number of potential clients will increase. 然而,你的 网站 may become difficult to manage, e特殊的ly if you have many plugins 和 add-ons installed.

You also may consider getting a free template 和 test it. There are many of them – for all kinds of 产品. Let’s say you have an online store 和 you sell clothing – please consider getting an amazing template like Apparelix or 最小的. 您可以下载演示版本. 当然, it doesn’t have all the features that a full version has, but you still can see how it works 和 if it’s right what your online store needs. Our templates are super flexible 和 you can customize them easily – you can add various elements or remove something. These templates are optimized so all the elements will be loaded fast (it helps to retain visitors, which is extremely important for an online store). The idea is simple – download a demo version 和 test it. If you liked it – buy the full version will all the additional features.

还有一个更好的选择. If you have an online store 和 you don’t know much about 网站 那么你应该找我们的 Shopify商业启动工具包 (价格为359美元). It’s not a set of plugins – we will do everything to make your online store successful 和 boost your income rates. 以下是我们的一些服务:
  • We can register an online store for you
  • Our team will create all the necessary content 和 fill your 网站 (图片、文章、博客文章等.)
  • We install all the applications that can help you manage your online store 和 make it even more successful

The good thing about this kit is that you don’t need to worry about your 网站 或者领导一代——留给我们吧. The popular posts will include information about your 产品. You can focus on other business-related challenges. 此外, you don’t need to worry about themes – we will do everything to make your online store look as you want it to. 你会得到一个100%的功能 网站 这将结合在一起 表演, modern design, 和 stunning usability.

这个条目被张贴了出来 Shopify教程 和标记 特色, 产品, Shopify, 特殊的. 书签的 永久链接.


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